Among the many advantages that booking with our agency offers, you'll find:
-General information on Lignano and the surrounding areas - Cots and extra beds on request - Information on excursions and itineries - detailed information pack on restaurants, shops and excursions... - E-mails and telephone messages delivered directly to your accomodation - Daily weather forecasts - Swift intervention if something breaks down or needs repairing in the lodgings - Laptop connection to internet via phone line; payment to be made at our office - Booking of beach material (sun beds and umbrellas), restaurants, sports activities, excursions, car hire... - Information on bicycle and rickshaw hire, TV, SAT - “Green fee” booking c/o Golf Club Lignano - Health information (dentists, doctors, chemists...) Our warm welcome and services are organized to guarantee you a holiday to remember dei Continenti, 133054 Lignano Pineta (UD)