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  • +39 0431 428000 Fax +39 0431 428286
Real Estate
  • mail@agenzia-lignano.it
  • +39 0431 428000 Fax +39 0431 428286
Real Estate

These are the real weather conditions in Lignano, forecasts that you see on internet, TV or in the newspapers, don't take care about the microclimate near the coast. Often it happens that there are some showers and thunderstorms inland as expected by good meteorologists but in Lignano and on the coast in general there is a beautiful sunny weather! Don't give up the holidays or a nice trip because of the generalist weather forecast, please see our weather forecast, it is simple and reliable. See you!

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Lignano weather forecast

  • Station: Lignano Sabbiadoro
  • at: 03:00
  • Sky: sereno
  • Temperature: 10.3 °C
  • Humidity: - %
  • Pressure: 1008.2 hPA
  • Wind: 9-SSW
  • Rain: 0.0 mm
  • Sea temp.: 9.9 °C
Update: covered sky with intermittent rains but also some lightenings. Scirocco will blow from supported to Forte, with storms between Lignano and Grado and possible high water. In the plain abundant or intense rains and winds supported. During the day possible thunderstorms. mainly cloudy sky, with possible foschie at night.
mainly cloudy sky. Foschie or mists will be possible at night and in the morning in the plains and in the valleys.
After tomorrow
Clousy sky with covered with possible floschie. In the evening weak rains scattered and in the mountains weak snowfall over 800-1000 m.

Sea temperature

Temperature min-max

Atmospheric pressure


C.so dei Continenti, 1
33054 Lignano Pineta (UD)

  • +39 0431 428000
  • Fax +39 0431 428286
